BirdRollers Australia produces an effective, environmentally friendly and bird friendly solution that helps improve the output of solar panels.
The system consists of loose rollers, which rotate when birds attempt to perch. Thus effectively preventing them from dropping excreta onto
solar panels and critical assets. This solution replaces sharp spikes and devices, which are harmful to birds.
The system was invented in 2001 and since then over 70,000 BirdRollers have been installed globally.
BirdRollers Founder & Inventor - Nick Bosco
BirdRollers Founder & Inventor - Nick Bosco

Nick Bosco is the inventor and designer of the BirdRoller system (2001).
Having worked in Maritime Navigational Aids and Solar Power industries for over 50 years, including 17 years at Transport WA, researching and conversion of State-wide Navigational Aids to Solar Power, then Divisional Manager – Major Port Developments for over 18 years at Australian Maritime Systems, followed by Principal Advisor – Navigational Aids for the Australian Maritime Systems Group, he brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in the prevention of birds perching on critical assets – mainly Solar Panels, structures and signage at remote and unmanned sites.
Nick will work with you to provide the best solutions to suit your project's specific needs.